Video Library

Should Christians Keep the Sabbath? - Doug Batchelor & Steve Gregg

It’s an age old debate. Do Christians need to keep the Sabbath or is that only for Jewish people? Is Sunday the new Sabbath? … 

Bowing to Babylon

Why do we have a 7-day week? We can trace the daily, monthly, and yearly cycles to astronomical occurances but the 7-day week… 

Bricks Without Straw

As in the days of Moses, God is about to do great things for His people. Soon they will be delivered from the slavery of sin …

Christ the End of the Law

Christ, the End of the Law — what does that mean? Does that mean, when Jesus came, there is no more law? We’ll explore this i…  

Christ, the Law, and the Covenants

Have you ever heard people say, “Don’t talk about the Ten Commandments. That’s the old covenant. We’re under the new covenant…  

Don't Be Fooled

Things are not always what they appear. Don’t be fooled on this very important issue …