What about the seventh year and the year of jubilee? Continue ReadingWhat about the seventh year and the year of jubilee?
Early Christians Kept Sunday In Honor Of The Resurrection Continue ReadingEarly Christians Kept Sunday In Honor Of The Resurrection
Aren’t sabbath breakers supposed to be stoned? Continue ReadingAren’t sabbath breakers supposed to be stoned?
If you keep the Sabbath, shouldn’t you be circumcised too? Continue ReadingIf you keep the Sabbath, shouldn’t you be circumcised too?
Why don’t more people keep the Sabbath if its so important? Continue ReadingWhy don’t more people keep the Sabbath if its so important?
Sunday is the Sabbath since the disciples broke bread then Continue ReadingSunday is the Sabbath since the disciples broke bread then
We should keep the spirit of the law but not the letter. Continue ReadingWe should keep the spirit of the law but not the letter.
It’s impossible to keep the Sabbath on a round earth. Continue ReadingIt’s impossible to keep the Sabbath on a round earth.
Christ, in fulfilling the moral law, abolished it. Continue ReadingChrist, in fulfilling the moral law, abolished it.
Loving God and my neighbor is all I am required to do Continue ReadingLoving God and my neighbor is all I am required to do